They shouldn't need to be mentioned nor highlighted but sometimes they get lost in translation, or we just forget as humans in todays society the baser civilities that we should extend to each other in a daily capacity, and even more so, more valuably within any form of relationship.
But here's a few;
- Trust
- Loyalty
- Respect
- Love
- Support
- Devotion
- Communication
- Honesty
- Integrity
Before even beginning this path I am on, I had the misfortune to be a part of some good, some bad and some just relationships. Part of the fault lay with me and I accept that, because we as individuals are not free of error and we all contribute to the success or failure of the relationships we are a part of. However, I found that after going through a particular difficult spell I understood that it was not appropriate to be with someone until I felt I was ready, could be myself and offer all I could be to the relationship because anything less would be disrespectful as a whole, but mostly to the other person.
So, in order to get to this point I have done a fair bit of self evaluation, wandering through my own thoughts and recognising and accepting the mistakes of the past, good and bad, and learning from them as best I can. To me, its important to both understand and recognise some of the decisions that you've made and why they may or may not have been successful before you can truly begin to move forward free of emotional baggage.
Once you get to this point it means that you are open, receptive and completely ready for the path ahead. In a free emotional state, either in the best shape physically or working to become the best you can be and offer as a future 'cuckold'. The whole point is that much like dating where we all to some degree preen ourselves pre date, we should be able to offer on a continual basis someone that a future Mistress would be proud to own, after all you are a reflection of them, even if they do not desire you sexually, you represent them as a symbolic 'toy' that they choose to own for their own pleasure or entertainment.
Wholeheartedly I believe in the key words at the top of this list. But personally I choose to add two more which I find equally if not more important;
- Reciprocation
- Chivalry
Nothing can ever become what it has the potential to become without either party putting in their fullest effort and matching each other step for step, never holding back from one another. If they hit a hurdle then they hit it together, take it in their stride and work through it come what may. If you can find someone who can match those thoughts and your efforts then you're off to the very best of starts. Because, in a nutshell the lifestyle dynamic of Mistress/cuckold will be one of the most challenging you will ever undertake. It will test your every natural fibre of moral and understanding because society has dictated what you should expect and accept, so some readjustment to emotion and mental approach will take place as the experiences mount up.
In respect of chivalry, a Lady is a Lady no matter what your personal thoughts may be. Take it back to Adam and Eve in its simplest form. Without one or the other we need one another to make the world go round whether in a relationship, or as friends, or as Lovers. So the essence of chivalry from a man to woman is just an extension and courtesy of treating the fairer sex with respect and treating them in a gentile manner....nothing is lost and respect can be gained. Think of it this way, think of those who have no understanding of what chivalry entails, then think of what such a small act as holding a door can do for someone.
Ultimately its not all about whips and chains, or kinky fetishes, its also about remembering to appreciate one another, being self aware enough to know if you are ready and can offer someone the very best of you because anything less would be pointless. We need to rekindle our love affair with some of these words and meanings because in todays world we are fast becoming a throwaway society that cares little for invested time in anything. Ultimately if you can tough it out, pull through, work at it, it will be the most rewarding, liberating and strong relationships you will ever have....and leave you wanting nothing else.
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